Food Cooperative
Choice Partners Food and Food Supplies and Equipment This governmental purchasing cooperative offers contracts for the following healthy school foods, products, and services:
To see all the food contracts, login as a member. Our food contracts provide purchasing solutions for school food service, child nutrition and cafeteria food programs. For information on how to join, please click on Become A Member. There is no fee to join and members are not required to purchase specific amounts from these food contracts. Choice Partners complies with state of Texas bid laws. Legal contracts* are competitively procured and may be used by public and charter schools, municipalities, housing authorities, counties, universities, community colleges, education service centers and other government entities, as well as by nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations and private schools. Chapter 791 of the Texas Governmental Code allows a local government to contract with another local government to perform governmental functions and services. There are no fees for members to participate in the HCDE Choice Partners Cooperative and use their awarded contracts. * HCDE cooperative contracts satisfy purchasing/bidding laws under Texas Education Code Chapter 44, Texas Government Codes 791 and 2267, and federal law 24 CFR 85.36. Helpful Links |