Choice Partners national purchasing cooperative offers quality, legal procurement and contract solutions to meet government purchasing requirements. We also meet all cooperative requirements of the EDGAR/Uniform Guidance/2 CFR 200!  

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School Nutrition Software

Keeping food and nutrition operations running smoothly is a challenge faced by every school district, charter school, college and university, as well as many other nonprofit entities. Throw in advanced technologies and payment methods, and it’s not long before lines can be backed up to the door.

With a Choice Partners cooperative purchasing contract for Point of Service systems, you can have access to easy-to-use, cloud-based retail software with a variety of options to increase speed, maximize federal reimbursements and reach more students.

Point of Service systems are a step up from the average point of sale system. Designed by software engineers with direct experience in school settings, these new school management systems provide many new functions that increase efficiency and profitability, including multiple input options, integrated software systems and complete school nutrition and payment solutions.

Choice Partners contracts, which meet all government procurement law, can also be tailored to provide services your team needs, including in-person and online training,

customer service, customer-focused technology systems, and tech solutions. 

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