If you think you can’t get a government purchasing contract for the newest and latest technology, think again. Choice Partners has the electric vehicle charging station contracts designed to meet the needs of fleets of electric vehicles, whether they’re for your municipality, county, college, university or other governmental entity.
Vendors with the expertise in electric cars, energy solutions and changing stations provide self-performed, comprehensive, turnkey project solutions for all electric charging station infrastructures. Their Choice Partners cooperative purchasing contracts are flexible: purchase and installation with or without the credit card payment option. Not only will you benefit from increased efficiencies and savings, but our vendors’ emphasis on sustainable practices in building maintenance will help you get your fleet moving while keeping social responsibility in mind.
Are you interested in electronic charging stations but unsure of the costs and benefits? Let someone from our team assist you in obtaining the information on electric cars you’re searching for, such as electric car charging cost. Call 713-696-2122 to speak with a Choice Partners representative.